Striking the Balance: The Role of Automation and Manual Testing in Software Quality Assurance

And none of them should be left behind

Allie Hsu
3 min readAug 27, 2023
Photo by Ken Suarez on Unsplash

As software development accelerates and requirements evolve, the attention to automation testing has been increasing, progressively overtaking manual testing. Despite the automation testing undoubtedly offers unparalleled efficiency and precision, the importance of manual testing persists in tackling the intricate intricacies of software quality assurance.
In addition to introducing the appropriate testing methods of automation testing, this article will also list specific testing scenarios that are suitable for manual testing and cannot be replaced by automation testing.
Just keep in mind that it is critical to identify the specific scenarios in which each method excels to ensure the creation of a balanced and effective testing strategy.

The Power of Automation Testing

Efficiency and Accuracy

It executes repetitive test cases quickly and consistently and finds bugs accurately. It not only reduces labour-intensive repetitive actions but also avoids the risk of possible human error operations or negligent small defects during verification.

